When I worked outside the home I wore jewelry all the time, everyday I wore different pieces (and a lot of pieces). I have just about every style of jewelry and my choices would vary depending on what I was wearing (always black though, as discussed before). Since I wear black all the time and since I have always been going for that gothic, Victorian, gypsy, Stevie Nicks look, I have a lot of gothic, Victorian and gypsy style jewelry. Most of that will be staying here with me, although I did find some pieces that I had put away that I rarely if ever will wear again. One thing that I did notice when I was going through all my jewelry is that I own an awful lot of jewelry with lapis stones. I suppose that there are a couple of reasons for that. A lot of the lapis jewelry that I have definitely has a gypsy style to it. I also like the color blue and I think that lapis is one of the most beautiful stones that there is. It's also a lot more affordable than say blue sapphires (which I also have but most of those are simulated stones). So I guess those pieces will be staying with me also. I did find one bracelet that I cannot wear anymore that I will sell but that's about it. I guess it's a good thing that this jewelry looks so good with the black that I'm always wearing, lol.
At Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles I do offer a good variety of sterling silver & lapis jewelry. I have a couple of personal favorites, one is this Unique Sterling Silver 5 Strand Lapis Choker Necklace...

Another favorite is this 925 Sterling Silver Oval Denim Lapis Filigree Band Ring...

The really sad thing is this, even though I don't have much occasion to wear my jewelry anymore I'd still buy it if I could afford it, lol. Oh well, I guess I'm just a jewelry junkie.
Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles...Dedicated To The Gypsy That Remains
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