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You know, when I was younger I used to love to go shopping. It didn't have to be Christmas or a special occasion, I just loved to shop. I would spend hours at the mall just looking and buying. Needless to say as I have grown older my tolerance for plodding around in a mall all day has grown thin. I have many fond memories of Christmas shopping however somehow I just can't get excited about it anymore. There's too many people and I have too many aches and pains anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love Christmas, just not Christmas shopping. Well, not at the mall anyway. I can however, spend hours online looking for that perfect gift or looking for the best price on something. I have all sorts of patience for online shopping. I can remember shopping for my son at Toys R Us...oh man, what a trip. Then I discovered online shopping and not only was I able to find everything that he wanted, I was able to purchase it and have it delivered to my door without ever having to leave my chair. What a dream come true!
At Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles we would like to make your Christmas shopping as easy as possible. We offer a wide variety of Christmas collectibles, handbags and purses, footwear, and, of course, jewelry of all styles. We also have a good number of beautiful jewelry pieces that are currently on sale with prices cut by 50% to 75%. For starters we are offering this 925 Sterling Silver Celtic Weave Amethyst Pendant Necklace
and also these matching 925 Sterling Silver Celtic Weave Amethyst Drop Dangle Earrings
These pieces can be purchased separately or as a set.
Looking for more earrings at a bargain price? We also have these Enchanted Antiqued 925 Sterling Silver Fantasy Fairy Drop Dangle Earrings
along with these Gypsy Boho 925 Sterling Silver Champagne Swarovski Drop Dangle Earrings
Earrings not what you're looking for? That's okay, try this 925 Sterling Silver Double Strand Honey Amber Flower Floral Bracelet
As mentioned before, all these pieces have been reduced by 50% to heck of a savings! We have many, many more jewelry pieces which have been marked down in addition to these but there are too many to show here. Come on over to Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles and see for yourself. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. As always, all jewelry ships free at Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles so stop by and save yourself some time, money and aggravation.
I'm telling ya, shopping online is the best way to go. While you're there. take a look at some of the other stores on Addoway. There are so many different stores on Addoway that you are bound to find something you like and you can always be assured of safe shopping with trusted merchants when you shop on Addoway. Hope to see you soon...
Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles...Dedicated To The Gypsy That Remains...
I have many, many Thanksgiving memories. I remember one Thanksgiving when I was a kid we had 6 inches of snow on the ground which, for the area we lived in, was unusual. I remember one Thanksgiving when I was a teenager and I was allowed to invite my current boyfriend to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. I felt like I was an adult that year, beginning an adult life. Of course that boy was history before Christmas but it was still special. I remember the first time that I actually cooked the Thanksgiving dinner. That year we had about fifteen people over...WOW!! Everybody ate, no one got was all good.
Of course some of my best Thanksgiving memories are the ones with my son. I was fortunate in that I always worked a job where I had a four day weekend for Thanksgiving so we always held that weekend as special for both of us. I always cook the same thing for Thanksgiving, the same thing that my Mom always cooked. It's pretty traditional...turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans (no, not the casserole), rolls and homemade pumpkin pies with Cool Whip. I will be cooking that again this year however, my son will not be here with me. Believe it or not, that is what I am thankful for.
You see, for reasons of illness, my son has been estranged from his father for a good number of years. About a month ago I finally found a phone number for my son to call. He has many brothers and sisters on his father's side of the family and, along with his father, they have embraced my son into the family. As we speak he is on his way from Jersey to Virginia to spend Thanksgiving with his father and also his brothers and sisters. It's really a long story between then and now but suffice it to say that I am so thankful that my son was able to reach out to his family and that they embraced him into the family. Family is so important and the family on my side is very small, most of them are gone now. Now my son can know the true meaning of family love. He knows that I love him, now he can know that many people love him as well. So this year I am so very grateful and thankful for now I know that Adam will never be without family.
Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles...Dedicated To The Gypsy That Remains

I originally wrote the following this past Independence Day however I think that it bears repeating in honor of Veterans Day. Not because it is such a fantastic blog entry but because I feel like it covers two important topics. For those that have already read it please read it again. For those of you that have not yet read it please do so. When you are done reading please take a moment to think about it for there are so many that are in need of our help out there and yet help may not get there in time or, worse yet, may never come...
As we celebrate Veterans Day in this country I am reminded about all of the members of our Armed Forces who have given so much for our freedom and independence. There are millions of veterans who have fought in a combat zone, many of these veterans suffer from some form of psychological condition as a result. Then we have the problem of the millions of sheltered animals in this country, many of whom are euthanized for the simple reason that no one wants them and there isn't enough room to keep them all. Their only crime is being unloved.
So, let's see here. On the one hand we have millions of veterans suffering from a combat induced psychological condition. By the way, did you know that 18 veterans commit suicide everyday in this country? On the other hand we have millions of sheltered animals who would love to be someone's best friend and love them, unconditionally. By the way, did you know that four to five million sheltered animals are euthanized every year in this country? It seems to me that if you take these two hands and gently put them together then there might be a solution (or a beginning to the solution) for these problems. Well, that's exactly what an organization called P2V thinks also.
P2V helps heal the lives of our nation's heroes and sheltered animals by providing cost-effective and readily accessible adoptions and healthcare so that both may live in dignity. David Sharpe, founder of P2V was saved by a little pit bull puppy named Cheyenne. You can read his story HERE. P2V's mission is to pair up active duty military and military veterans, law enforcement officers and emergency first responders with sheltered animals to provide these folks with a means of rehabilitation and to give these sheltered animals a loving home. So it's a win-win situation here.
So please, check out their website at They also have a Facebook page which is P2V is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization with headquarters in Arlington, VA. You may not personally know anyone who needs this kind of help however, if you don't, I bet you know someone who knows someone who needs this kind of help. Even if you don't, check them out anyway and help them if you can. These men and women have given an awful lot for this country and for your personal freedom so, do the right thing, please help if you can. You might just sleep a little better at night.
Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles...Dedicated To The Gypsy That Remains...

I have lived through 56 Halloweens. I don't remember the first few but I remember most of them after that because Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, always has been. It's right up there with Christmas...not quite but almost. There were a few years between the time that I was grown up and the time that my son was born that there were some Halloweens that weren't too exciting but I still remember them. I used to love answering the door and handing out the candy, watching the kids in their cute and scary costumes get their candy and scurry away with a big ol' grin on their faces like they just hit the jackpot. When my son came along I had just as much fun with him at Halloween as I did when I was a kid. He loved Halloween too...still does as a matter of fact. He would always have an elaborate costume and come home with 2 or 3 bags full of candy. Of course it was an unwritten rule that I got the Butterfingers and the Tootsie Rolls. He could have everything else but those were mine, mine, mine. He didn't care, he got so much candy that he was still eating it at Christmas. We would always decorate the house so every room had Halloween decorations. We just loved it. Those were good times...real good times.
Of course now that my son has grown up and moved away Halloween isn't as much fun as it used to be. We don't get any trick or treaters here where we live now so there is no answering the door and handing out candy. That's not what made this Halloween the scariest one ever though, not by a long shot. The scary part of this Halloween was the fact that we had about 6 inches of SNOW on the ground. I mean, really??? What's that all about? I can remember walking with my son on Halloween and it being 75 degrees outside. SNOW...seriously??? I hate snow in January, much less in October. I suppose that people who live up north are used to this but not this southern girl. I used to make sure my son's Halloween costume was large enough to wear a light jacket underneath, not a winter coat, snow boots and mittens. I mean SNOW...are you kidding me??? Now that's some scary stuff.
PS...Just so you know and can prepare yourself...this will NOT be the last time you read me ranting and raving over snow...I hate it. Signed...Someone who needs to move to a warmer climate...
Enchanted Jewelry & Collectibles...Dedicated To The Gypsy That Remains